High Energy Batteries 🔋- For Defence Sector

🔋High Energy Batteries (India) Ltd:

 A Micro-cap powering the Nation’s Defense and Mobility with Cutting-Edge Battery Solutions

✍Company’s historical background:

🔹Established in 1979 for manufacturing 45Ah Silver Oxide Zinc batteries for MIG Aircraft. 

🔹In 1981, expanded into missile battery systems in collaboration with DRDL, supplying batteries for PRITHVI, AGNI, and BrahMos.

🔹In 2009, diversified into Lead Acid Batteries for Auto and VRLA for Standby Applications in the consumer market.

✍About the company:

🔹Company is engaged in the business of manufacturing Hi-Tech batteries for use in Army, Navy, Airforce and Launch Vehicles and also commercial batteries for Auto and Standby VRLA applications and also exports products to various countries.

✍Market Share:

🔹Co is the sole supplier of silver-zinc batteries to the Indian Navy defense and holds a market share between 65% and 70%.

✍Products Portfolio:

🔹Co manufactures Aircraft Batteries, Torpedo Batteries, Missiles, and Helicopter Batteries.

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