Cummins India Ltd.

Cummins India Ltd.
Cmp : ₹3822
> About:
Cummins India Limited is a leading manufacturer and seller of engines and related products. It is a part of the Cummins Group in India and operates in three main business units – Engine, Power Systems, and Distribution. The Engine Business focuses on engines for various vehicle and equipment markets, while the Power Systems Business specializes in high horsepower engines for different applications. The Distribution Business caters to the maintenance and uptime of Cummins equipment.
> YoY Net Profit    Market Rate Oct
2024     1,660.62        3700
2023     1,129.82        1700
2022        886.65        1200
2021        617.87        1000
2020        629.34          462
▶️ Market Cap : ₹1,05,889 Cr.
▶️ Stock P/E : 57.88
▶️ ROCE : 28.72%
▶️ ROE :  26.02 %
▶️ Profit YoY 3Yrs : 7 %
▶️ Sales growth 3Years : 13.01 %
▶️ Net Profit Margin : 7 %
▶️ Total Shares Holder  : 1,50,000
▶️ Growth Potential YoY : 23+ %
> Aastha Fintech

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