Non Convertible Debentures

Home Non Convertible Debentures

What is

Non convertible debentures?

It is debt taken by corporates in the form of bonds.
These bonds promise to pay periodic principal and interest payments to the investors over a defined tenure.
Companies with proven cashflows and business models explore this route of financing to support their business growth needs.



12-36 Months


Why invest in a Non convertible debentures

Predictable returns

Secondary source of income

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Backed by strong collateral

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Fixed return without market volatility

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Regular Income

Periodic principal and interest repayments

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Credit Assessment Process

Background of company

  • Track record and credibility of founders and management
  • Market Position

Financial Strength

  • Analysis of financial performance
  • Ability to repay debt obligations

Business Model

  • Understanding growth projections
  • Analysing unit economics

Corporate Governance

  • Track record of compliance
  • Strong audit and reporting structures

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Check out our FAQs section to know more


Anyone above the age of 18 years, who is a citizen of India, and has valid KYC documents can invest on Jiraaf.
As an NRI, you can register, and invest in Invoice Discounting opportunities on Jiraaf. You would have to provide proof of Indian citizenship (we would require an Indian Passport to complete your KYC) and you will require an NRO bank account for debiting and crediting funds.

Registration & KYC

We have simple 3-step KYC process which includes providing your PAN card, address proof (masked Aadhaar, passport and voter id ) and bank details.
You can register by providing your mobile number. This will give you access to view opportunities listed on the platform. To start investing, you would need to complete your KYC in 3 simple steps: Enter your PAN, upload an address proof document and provide your bank details. You are all set to start investing.

Risk mitigation factors

Secured and backed by tangilble assets/guarantees

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Financial covenants for early warning triggers
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Predetermined resale value of the asset
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